Bears on the Brink of a Massive Shake-Up: Chicago Bears Ready to Make Waves with a Deal That Rivals the Biggest in NFL History

Last night, in a move that blew the minds of the entire sports world, the Dallas Mavericks sent Luka Dončić to the Los Angeles Lakers in exchange for Anthony Davis. The Utah Jazz and salary filler were also part of the stew.

Upon first blush, the Lakers won the trade by several hundred miles: After all, they acquired a 25-year-old who, if he keeps away from the doughnuts, is still a couple of years away from hitting his peak, only to receive a 31-year-old who gets injured if you look at him funny.

This is arguably the most shocking trade in NBA history, a league known for its shocking trades.

The Natonal Football League, on the other hand, is not known for its shocking trades. Not. One. Bit.

Sure, the NFL produces some big moves—the Herschel Walker and Ricky Williams deals come to mind—but rarely are two Hall of Fame-level players swapped for one another.

This isn’t to say it can’t be done.

B’Bye Caleb

The Chicago Bears don’t have any Hall of Famers on their roster—maybe one of their players will evolve into That Guy someday—but they certainly own enough pieces to put together a deal that would send shockwaves throughout the NFL.

And it goes a little something like this…

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